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Pulp Therapy: Evidenced Based Recommendations for Primary and Permanent Teeth
The new vital and non-vital pulp therapy AAPD Clinical Practice Guidelines’ recommendations for primary teeth will be presented. Key evidenced-based data will demonstrate the certainty for recommendations on vital primary tooth caries removal, indirect pulp therapy (IPT), direct pulp capping (DPC), and pulpotomy methods. Non-vital primary teeth recommendations and their certainty for using pulpectomy versus LSTR will be presented. Permanent tooth vital pulp therapy recommendations are changing too. The evidenced-based vital tooth caries removal methods, IPT, DPC, and pulpotomy recommendations and certainty of evidence will be shown. The course will explain which permanent teeth diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis can be treated with pulpotomy and how these pulpotomized teeth compare to root canal treatment success.
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