CSPD hopes that you enjoy how we have improved the site. We suggest that you spend some time finding your way around these pages. Remember that cspd.org and OCE are separate websites requiring separate Usernames and Passwords.
- Please add this OCE website to your browser favorite list.
- Clicking on most of the Blue Header menu items will take you to the CSPD.ORG site in a new window.
- To return to the OCE site, you should close the current window and move back to the previous OCE window still open
- The Orange Header menu items are OCE links.
- If you want to view course of a particular category such as Sedation, try using the search window.
- Both the Webinars and the CE Series/Annual Meetings pages currently contain information about and links to popular Bundled courses.
- The All Courses page contains a list and short descriptions of the Courses. Click on links to see more course information.
- After registering, you will get your own, My Account, page which will contain a list of your purchased courses and CE Certificates earned.
- Clicking on a course takes you to the Course Page containing information about the course.
- Purchasing access to a course allows you to view this course for a period of up to one year.
- This is a new website. If you have questions, difficulties or comments, please email me, Steve Niethamer, at sniethamer@cspd.org.