Xenoudi-Gingival Conditions in Young patients: The what, the why and the “now what?”
Course Summary: Children and Adolescents can manifest several gingival conditions. Some are related with inflammatory processes; some are manifestation of...
Course Summary: Children and Adolescents can manifest several gingival conditions. Some are related with inflammatory processes; some are manifestation of...
USD 65
Practical Approaches to Mouthguards in Pediatric Dentistry
This webinar will focus on the practical aspects of sports dentistry with an emphasis on mouthguards for pediatric patients. It...
This webinar will focus on the practical aspects of sports dentistry with an emphasis on mouthguards for pediatric patients. It...
USD 65
Dodson-Safe and Efficient Patient Monitoring in the Dental Office: New Trends
Course Summary: Monitoring the patient during sedation is of utmost importance and should not be neglected. Understanding the tools for...
Course Summary: Monitoring the patient during sedation is of utmost importance and should not be neglected. Understanding the tools for...
USD 10
Nelson-The Power of Habit – A Process Approach to Safer Sedation
Course Description: This lecture will discuss the importance of safety habits and office processes that yield predictable sedation outcomes. Dr....
Course Description: This lecture will discuss the importance of safety habits and office processes that yield predictable sedation outcomes. Dr....
USD 90.00
Chen-Preparation and Monitoring for Minimal (Oral Conscious) Sedation
Course Description: This course will review the sedation medications, patient selection, and also monitoring. It is crucial for practitioners to...
Course Description: This course will review the sedation medications, patient selection, and also monitoring. It is crucial for practitioners to...
USD 60.00
Fluoride Mechanisms, Efficacy, and Clinical Applications
The use of fluoride supplements and topical fluoride therapy in preschool children is complex and controversial. Since the introduction of...
The use of fluoride supplements and topical fluoride therapy in preschool children is complex and controversial. Since the introduction of...
USD 90
How To Set Up An Office Emergency Oxygen Delivery/Resuscitation System for Less Than $100
This course proposes a straightforward emergency oxygen delivery system that may be assembled in any setting within minutes and for...
This course proposes a straightforward emergency oxygen delivery system that may be assembled in any setting within minutes and for...
USD 90
Artificial Intelligence Use in Pediatric Dentistry
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer science field focusing on developing intelligent systems that can imitate human cognition. AI has...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer science field focusing on developing intelligent systems that can imitate human cognition. AI has...
USD 90
Patient Diet Assessment in the Pediatric Dental Clinic
This presentation is intended to share with the audience the patient diet assessment taught to dental students in the Pediatric...
This presentation is intended to share with the audience the patient diet assessment taught to dental students in the Pediatric...
USD 90
Fluoride Hesitancy in Practice – How to Spot and Manage It
Sometimes it seems as though our patients don’t grasp the basic concept of home care. Other times our patients with...
Sometimes it seems as though our patients don’t grasp the basic concept of home care. Other times our patients with...
USD 90